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The Craufurd Arms - a true community pub!


As well as being owned by the community we at The Craufurd Arms aim to give back to the community too.


We raise money for charity via events at the pub, host meetings for free for community groups, sponsor local amateur football and netball teams and organise voluntary monthly litter picks.


We use local suppliers for our beers and food wherever possible, provide a venue for popular local musicians, prepare meals for the elderly in care homes and provide a welcome meeting place and activities for people living alone.


We are open seven days a week with friendly service whether you live in Maidenhead or beyond.


If there are any other activities you believe we can do to help the community please contact us using the form below or send us an email at

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15 Gringer Hill,  Maidenhead, Berks, SL6 7LY

Telephone: 01628 675410

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© Craufurd Arms | Maidenhead | Community Pub

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